How It Works

The innovative ProxeMatrix, developed by Dr. Robyn Lesser, simplifies and improves the existing matrix systems used in restorative dentistry. The ProxeMatrix employs innovation and creativity to ensure superior patient outcomes for anterior permanent and primary restorations in both children and adults. (might be redundent because primary teeth are baby teeth?)

With over 20 years as a practicing pediatric dentist, Dr. Lesser and her patients (and their parents) know that comfort and security play significant roles in obtaining successful treatment outcomes. Existing matrix systems have remained relatively unchanged for many years – a frustrating finding for Dr. Lesser. Too many small moving parts, post-op gingival lacerations and irritations from a band/strip, necessary stabilizers and wedges inspired Dr. Lesser to create a simplified and more efficient restorative tool.

The more steps in a dental procedure, the more time the procedure takes resulting in a greater chance of a restoration failure. Patients, whether an adult or child, are often unable to tolerate multiple components of a matrix system like a stainless steel band, a sectional matrix or a Mylar band or strip with a stabilizing retainer and a wedge compromising safety. Patients with the wiggles can move around too much or a curious tongue can slip under an isolation device or play with a rubber dam resulting in movement of a matrix (or clamp) or displacing a wedge leading to contamination of the restoration area or, worse, injury such as dislodging and aspirating one of those small components, or discomfort for the patient.

The ProxeMatrix incorporates fundamental and prevalent concepts in dentistry. The ProxeMatrix builds upon the concept of orthodontic separators to achieve tight contacts with a comfortable elastic yet rigid silicon material. The ProxeMatrix can be used without any local anesthetic. The ProxeMatrix does not lacerate or irritate the gingiva even with a wiggly patient of any age. The ProxeMatrix is a single step! Just floss it in place for a positive restorative procedure!