
Benefits Of The ProxEmatrix System

How Does A Dental Matrix System Improve Dental Restoration Services?

Dental matrix systems may seem pretty pedestrian compared to computer aided services in most dental offices today. Despite their simplicity, dental matrix systems are essential to restorative dentistry.

A good matrix system should possess several benefits. They provide the ability to keep a tooth separate from another and contain the filling material being used, such as a composite resin or glass ionomer. They are designed to mimic a wall on the surface of the tooth. They help maintain the proper interproximal contacts of adjacent teeth, shape the restorations, and eliminates flash, which helps save time on cleanup and prevents patients from any potential irritation in the gum line.

Current Matrix Systems

Tofflemire Retainer

The original matrix system is known as the Tofflemire retainer, which is a type of matrix retainer used to hold teeth in their proper position. The retainer was developed in the 1940’s and is still used today for class II restorations. The system consists of a wedge, matrix band and a stabilizer.

Sectional Matrix

A sectional matrix system is used during the placement of amalgam composites or temporary tooth fillings. They consist of contoured metal matrix forms, a clamp/ring and a wedge for tooth separation.

Mylar Strips

Flexible Mylar Matrix Strips are used for front teeth restorations. They are used to prevent composite from attaching to the adjacent teeth. Mylar matrix systems can require multiple patient visits for proper fitting. The wedges used are made out of wood or plastic and help to create a seal and stabilize. However, the material can cause irritation and trauma to the gum tissues.

What Makes A Matrix System Successful?

The primary goal of a successful matrix system is to recreate the natural shape of the tooth and create proper inter proximal contacts. In addition, the matrix will create a seal around the area prepped to fill and overcome any thickness of the band to maintain tight contact between teeth.

What Makes The ProxEmatrix Different?

The new ProxEmatrix system provides a host of benefits over the standard matrix systems being used today. Most importantly, their soft material makeup makes them comfortable for patients and can be used in a single visit. Take a look at the many benefits of the ProxEmatrix:

  1. Comfortable
  2. Easy to place
  3. One step
  4. Does not need local anesthetic
  5. Requires only one appointment
  6. No wedge
  7. Able to cure through
  8. Can be placed subgingival (below the gum line) without trauma to soft tissue
  9. Snug fit= better margins and reduced flash
  10. Better post-op
  11. Single use (made from silicon)
  12. No instruments needed to place, just floss it in
  13. Maintains contours of tooth
  14. Able to use on all anterior teeth (central incisors, lateral incisors, and canines) permanent and primary teeth, top and bottom teeth.
  15. Does not stick or bond to restorative (filling) material
  16. Maintains contacts
  17. Separation is with even force/pressure 
  18. Rigid enough to not distort during composite placement

ProxEmatrix A Modern Matrix System To Revolutionize Restorations

A reliable matrix system is invaluable for any composite restorations and they would be completely useless without a complementary isolation system. The ProxEmatrix takes care of both in one single device and eliminates the need for tiny plastic or wooden wedges. For more information, please click below to learn how the ProxEmatrix works or order yours today.