About Us

Meet the ProxeMatrix! The ProxeMatrix was developed in 2018 by Robyn Lesser, a practicing pediatric dentist with over 20 years of experience. Patient comfort is paramount for children and adults. Specifically in pediatric dentistry, it has a direct effect on outcomes. Current matrix systems that include stainless-steel bands, sectional matrices, mylar bands/strips, and wedges are not tolerated well by children.  It is very easy for a curious tongue to slip under an isolation device or play with a rubber dam that causes a matrix or clamp to move or a wedge to be displaced. This can lead to contamination of the area to be restored, or even worse, aspiration of one of those small components. 

The more steps there are to a procedure, the longer it takes. Patients become wiggly or uncooperative. Two very concerning disadvantages to current matrix systems are 1) post-op gingival laceration or 2) irritations from a band/strip and wedge. Not much has changed in terms of a matrix system since the inventions of the Tofflemire Retainer and the mylar matrix. They are all placed the same way and all need stabilizers, a wedge, or both. That is a lot of small moving parts to place on one tooth. 

Pediatric dentistry requires creativity and innovation. Dr. Lesser was waiting for new products that would simplify the process and provide patient comfort while still achieving excellent clinical results for primary and permanent restorations.  The next step was to change what already exists yet meet her expectations. When existing practices and procedures do not provide for patient safety, comfort, and ease of use, then innovation and creativity govern superior patient outcomes and comfort. Dr. Lesser knew there must be other dentists looking for this exact solution! The ProxeMatrix is an innovative evolution of restorative dentistry and here is why: 

1)  It is placed in a single step! 

2) It can be flossed right in! 

3) It can be used without any local anesthesia!

4) It does not lacerate or irritate the gingiva!

5) It achieves tight contacts with a comfortable elastic yet rigid silicon material!

The mission of ProxeMatrix:

 “To maintain patient comfort and safety while achieving excellent clinical results for adult and pediatric patients.”